Co-ed Soccer - Sunday Nights - Wayne
Sunday, October 28
Double Headers
Flint Michigan Tropics, Hanngover 96
Field 1
5:00 PM |
POTG: Margarito O
5:50 PM |
6:40 PM |
POTG: Benjamin A
7:30 PM |
POTG: celia W
8:20 PM |
POTG: Juan A
9:10 PM |
POTG: Michael L
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Sunday, November 4
Double Headers
About to Get Messi, FC Rockland
Field 1
5:00 PM |
POTG: Drew K
5:50 PM |
POTG: Joel W
6:40 PM |
POTG: Miguel A
7:30 PM |
POTG: Juan A
8:20 PM |
POTG: Adam I
9:10 PM |
POTG: Jonathan P
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Sunday, November 11
Double Headers
Internazionale Football Club, T&C
Field 1
5:00 PM |
POTG: Roberto G
5:50 PM |
6:40 PM |
POTG: Margarito O
7:30 PM |
POTG: Cody B
8:20 PM |
9:10 PM |
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Sunday, November 18
Double Headers
Clean Your Messi, Legends of Drew
Field 1
5:00 PM |
5:50 PM |
6:40 PM |
POTG: Juan A
7:30 PM |
POTG: Stephen S
8:20 PM |
POTG: Leah D
9:10 PM |
POTG: Cesar G
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Sunday, November 25
Double Headers
Scoring & Whoring, Torn to be wild
Field 1
5:00 PM |
POTG: Jonathan P
5:50 PM |
POTG: Kyle P
6:40 PM |
POTG: Hyron G
7:30 PM |
POTG: Matt N
8:20 PM |
POTG: Rickey A
9:10 PM |
POTG: Daniel G
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Sunday, December 2
Field 1
4:30 PM |
5:20 PM |
6:10 PM |
POTG: sabrina f
7:00 PM |
POTG: Cesar G
7:50 PM |
POTG: Daniel G
8:40 PM |
POTG: Daniel G
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)