Men's Flag - Wayne - Player Stats & Weekly MVP's!!
Wednesday, October 17
Field 1
Field 2
7:00 PM |
POTG: Steve F
8:00 PM |
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Wednesday, October 24
Double Headers
Field 1
Field 2
8:30 PM |
POTG: Andrew E
9:30 PM |
POTG: Rudy C
POTG: Matthew L
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Wednesday, October 31
Double Headers
The Melting Pot
Field 1
Field 2
7:00 PM |
POTG: Matthew L
POTG: Patrick F
8:00 PM |
POTG: Ryan K
POTG: Steve S
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Wednesday, November 7
Double Headers
Allstars, Chargers, Sticky Bandits
Field 1
Field 2
7:00 PM |
POTG: Alex M
POTG: Fazion R
8:00 PM |
POTG: Serafim K
POTG: Jeff M
9:00 PM |
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Wednesday, November 14
Sticky Bandits forfeited to Beef Factory.
Double Headers
Blue Ballerz, Royals
Field 1
Field 2
7:00 PM |
POTG: Nick A
8:00 PM |
POTG: Mike and Charles
POTG: Kalei C
9:00 PM |
POTG: Serafim K
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Wednesday, November 28
All Teams Make Playoffs
1st Seed Gets 1st Round Bye
Field 1
Field 2
7:00 PM |
POTG: Ryan T
POTG: Great Team effort
8:00 PM |
POTG: Great team effort
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Wednesday, December 5
Semi Finals and Final Same Night
Field 1
Field 2
7:00 PM |
POTG: Kalei C
POTG: Luis H
8:00 PM |
POTG: Team championship
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)